Cross-cultural Identity Through Clay, Shigaraki Ceramic Cultural Park, Japan. 4th of October to 4th of November 2018 (Visitors, artists and staff at the Shigaraki Ceramic Cultural Park pressing their fingers into unfired clay tiles)

Visitors, artists and staff pushing their fingers into unfired clay tiles.

A video of visitors, artists and staff pushing their fingers into unfired clay tiles.

Myself and my project partner continued our mission by inviting visitors, artists and staff at the Shigaraki Ceramic Cultural Park to press their fingers into unfired clay tiles. This took place between the 12-13th of October 2018. These tiles will be used to form a sculptural path to be installed in the Shigaraki Ceramic Cultural Park. 

We also invited visitors, staff and artists to complete our questionnaire that included: What does a fingerprint mean for the you? What represents Japanese Cultural Identity?
In total from this project we managed to collect 24 questionaries. We hope these questionaries can give an idea of how international and Japanese people view Japanese culture. Hopefully we can publish these answers soon.
