1st Day at Bundanon Trust (The Studio) 在澳洲班達農信託的第一天駐村

Collecting the buckets for the clay. 

The studio's courtyard.

The Studio: A work in progress

The view from the studio. A very quiet and open space.

Wednesday 15th November 2017
星期三 2017年11月15日

After a long flight and a lot of stops along the way from Bristol UK myself and Wen-Hsi Harman finally safely made it to Bundanon Trust in New South Wales Australia. Thank you to John (Chief programs officer) for collecting us from the station and introducing us to the residency and Michael (Natural Resources Manager) who helped us dig our clay.

在經過長時間的飛行之後, 我們終於從英國布里斯多, 抵達澳洲新南威爾斯的班達農信託。
很謝謝約翰特地開車到火車站接我們到駐村的地點, 同時帶我們去超級市場購買一個星期的食糧,並且很詳細地介紹駐村周圍的環境, 以及該注意的事項。同時介紹他的同事麥克, 指引我們找出適合挖土的地點。

The Bundanon Trust consists of many individual studio spaces were artists from Australia and around the world can come to live and work. The residency is located in Bundanon in a rural area, around 3 hours by train from Sidney.

班達農信託設有很多個獨立的工作室, 歡迎著澳洲當地以及國際藝術工作者, 來此地駐村。
班達農信託位於新南威爾斯的偏遠地區, 從雪梨市中心搭火車到此處, 需要三個小時。

We both arrived at Bundanon Trust at around 2pm today. As soon as we arrived we quickly unpacked our stuff and then headed down to a woodland area to dig and collect our first sample of clay with John and Michael to use to create our drawings. We will be uploading information about this process very soon.

我們趕緊把行李箱的東西安置好, 並且與約翰和麥可一起去挖土,找尋我們的計畫需要用的土,這個部分的過程, 希望明天可以與大家分享。

We are very happy with our studio space, it is open, full of space, light and comes with a view of the woodlands nearby. An ideal space for new inspiration, ideas and time to immerse ourselves in the process of creating.

能在這樣美好的空間中進行創作, 思考我們的計畫,新的想法, 並且沉浸在創作的過程中, 真幸福。

During our stay at Bundanon Trust we will be updating this blog and our social media with infomation about the process of our project. We will be writing in English and Traditional Chinese as a way to respond to Cross-Cultural Identity between the UK, Taiwan, and Austrilia. By doing this we hope to create a link between the different languages as a way to express this project and our personal cultural identities as well as our interpretation of Australia.

在駐村的每一天, 我們都會在每天傍晚, 與大家分享一整天的工作進度和心得 。
同時我們會使用英文和繁體進行中文書寫。因為這是一個關於英國, 臺灣和澳洲跨文化身份認同的計畫,藉由不同的語言, 語境, 思維方式, 來完成我們這個很個人的計畫, 用我們自己的方式來詮釋澳洲文化。

The Bundanon Trust 2017 Residencies
澳洲班達農信託 2017年駐村名單

You can also find this project on Social Media such as Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, the Hashtag is: #drawingthroughclay 

歡迎在臉書, 推特, IG 追蹤我們的計畫 
