Day 3. Collected Artefacts 第三天 在澳洲班達農信託駐村:採集自然物件

Our current collection of found objects from the surrounding landscape.
這些是我們從班達農信託的土地上, 收集到的自然物件。

Martin's drawing of a piece of bark foud from the local area.

Wen-Hsi's drawings of the clay dug from the local area.

This is the local art shop, the lady is: Kim Grivas, she is a very lovely and friendly person.
澳洲當地的美術用品店很友善的kim Grivas 小姐。

Today has been a bit of a mixed day. This morning we went for a walk first thing in the morning to collect more objects from the surrounding landscape such as fallen dried plants, so the collection has got bigger now. We have started to make drawings of these objects to find new inspiration and to think about how we might use these to inspire our clay drawings. 

今天對我們來說, 是有點混合不同進度的一天。
早晨, 我們在班達農信託的土地上散步,撿拾自然掉落的物件,例如:乾燥的植物。經過一個早上的採集,我們的採集品愈來愈多。

We also had the opportunity to go to the nearest town:Nowra to stock up on some additional art supplies such as A1 paper and glue. Thank you for the Bundanon artist-residency: Mayu Kanamori ( as she very kindly provided us a lift.

今天我們很幸運有機會去澳洲班達農信託鄰近的小鎮:諾拉。謝謝同是駐村藝術家的Mayu Kanamori 開車載我們去購買了A1尺寸的水彩紙和膠水。

The plan is to pin the paper to the wall to create our drawings and we will also use the Chinese paper that we carried with us. The lady (Kim Grivas) from the art shop (Arthouse Direct: 6/68 North Street. Nowra NSW 2541) had a great idea of adding glue to the clay to stop it from flaking off the paper so we will give this a go.

我們的藝術家駐村計畫是想要使用圖釘,將剛買來的水彩紙釘在牆壁上,同時也把我們從臺灣帶來的中國傳統紙張釘在牆上,進行繪畫創作。澳洲當地的美術用品店的小姐 Kim Grivas 很友善和我們討論應該如何把陶土黏貼在紙張上,她建議我們買膠水,用來防止陶土乾燥之後,脫落於紙張表面的情形。

We also started processing the clay today to try and remove debris and sand using a home-made mesh but this has been difficult. It has helped but ideally, it needs more refinement so we will try to look for a sieve and hopefully continue working on it tomorrow.

下午回到工作室後,我們開始試圖把浸泡一個晚上的土塊,用自製的網子,過濾成更小的粒子, 希望把一些碎片和沙子與土分離,但是這個過程花了很多時間。希望藉由重複的過濾過程,找出更精細且適合繪畫的陶土,我們也很希望明天有機會可以找到更細的篩子,有助於我們的藝術家駐村計畫。

The Bundanon Trust 2017 Residencies
澳洲班達農信託 2017年駐村名單

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