Day 2. Digging & Processing the Clay. 第二天 在澳洲班達農信託駐村:挖土&分類各類土的過程

The colour of the clay range from dark red-brown to a light-brown.
不同種類的土層, 從深紅棕色至淺棕色。

The location of the clay.

Wen-Hsi digging the clay.

Clay samples. Most of it was very hard and so needed to be broken up into finer pieces.
各種土塊。大部分的土塊都非常堅硬, 必須要花時間來敲破,才可以成為細碎的土。

A closer look at the clay.

Separating the darker clay from the lighter clay.

Thursday 16th November 2017
星期四 11月16日2017年

The natural resources manager of Bundanon Trust: Michel very kindly showed us suitable locations for digging clay yesterday. He said working with Bundanon is his dream job as he can meet lots very interesting artists from different cultural backgrounds.

昨天下午, 很感謝澳洲班達農信託駐村的自然資源經理:麥可,指引我們適合挖土的地點。
他說可以在這裡工作, 一直以來是他的夢想, 在今年3月份, 他終於完成內心的夢想,感到十分開心,因為在工作的期間,他可以遇到許多有趣好玩和來自不同的文化背景的藝術家。

We dug the clay by the road going into Bundanon Trust. 

After collecting the clay we took it back to the studio to start processing it. We tried to separate the clay from the stones and to also separate the darker clay from the lighter clay, this should hopefully give us two colour variations to work with. Then we beat the clay with a stick to turn it into a finer consistency. Once complete we put the two types of clay into different buckets filled with water. The plan next is to leave the clay to sit overnight and then on the next day we will take off the excess water and give it a mix. Following that, we will then add some clean water to the mix and possibly pass it through a mesh if it goes to plan to try to filter out any larger particles. Once that part is complete we will try to transform the clay into a paint-like consistency by adding clean water ready to use to create our drawings.

我們把土塊分為兩類,一類是顏色比較深的紅色土, 另外一類是顏色比較淺的褐色土。
藉由這樣的分類, 希望最後可以有不同色層土,供給我們創作使用。
我們使用撿來的樹枝敲碎土塊,然後把敲碎的小土塊放入不同的桶子內浸泡,並且加入大量的清水到桶子內, 打算浸泡土塊大約12個小時,讓小土塊成為更小的粒子。
希望完成這些前置作業之後,我們可以利用所挖到的土, 進行繪畫創作。

We also went for a walk around the area to pick up objects from the natural landscape such as sticks, feathers, leaves, and tree bark. If all goes to plan we will be using these objects as our tools to create marks on the surface as well as well as our own from the UK.

今天早上我們散步在班達農信託的田野地區, 撿拾一些自然的物件, 像是樹枝, 羽毛,樹葉和樹皮。我們打算利用這些物件當作繪畫的工具, 和我們從英國帶來的工具,一起創作出一些紋理效果。 
