Day8. Our artist neighbours having a go with clay drawing.第八天在澳洲班達農信託駐村:我們的藝術家鄰居一起參與陶土繪畫

Wednesday 22nd November 2017
星期三 2017年11月22日

Martin's drawing of a robin to represent the UK and his personal experience.

Continuing to reference with the robin from a photograph.

When applying colour to the bird he used a combination of light and dark clay, watercolour paints and coloured pens.

Wen-Hsi's rock clay drawings, she has been continuing to develop these and is thinking about how to display them on the large clay drawing.

She is also wondering if perhaps people could have the opportunity to reposition these rocks as part of an interactive exhibition when she gets back to Britain.

Our artist neighbours having a go with clay painting. 

Today we have been continuing with our large clay drawing, Martin used most of the day to draw this bird that is inspired by a robin and his personal experience. For him, the robin symbolizes living in the UK but it also relates to an experience he had after his grandmother passed away. One time he was sitting on a park bench sometime after his grandmother passed away and a robin bird sat next to him and dropped some food next to Martin like it was a conscious decision. The bird stayed there for quite some time and did not seem to be scared in any way until it eventually flew away. 

今天我們繼續進行大尺寸的陶土繪畫。馬丁使用英國的知更鳥來代表英國,這和他的個人經驗有關聯。知更鳥和他今年過世的奶奶有很大的關係,在奶奶過世的不久,馬丁坐在公園的板凳上, 而知更鳥放了一些食物並且坐在他旁邊, 這像是一個有意識的決定。那隻知更鳥在馬丁身旁坐了很久,似乎沒有任何的懼怕,直到最後才飛走。

This was a powerful experience as it reminded him of his grandmother as she really liked birds. Some part of him wants to believe that perhaps she was communicating with him through the bird from the afterlife or perhaps it was just a coincidence. Therefore for this large clay picture he wanted to symbolize this bird with a circle behind its head as this often is seen behind a saint to symbolize a spiritual aspect.

這是一個很深刻的經驗,讓馬丁想起過世的奶奶, 因為她是一個非常喜歡鳥類的人。在某部分,馬丁想要相信, 也許那隻知更鳥就是奶奶, 變成鳥想要和他說話, 或者這一切都只是一個巧合。
因此,在這個大尺寸的陶土繪畫上,馬丁想要用知更鳥的頭部背後面的光圈, 來作為象徵的意義, 正如像是傳統西方繪畫中的聖人,頭部往往有光圈, 來象徵精神層面的意義。

We also had the opportunity to let our artist's neighbors have a go at clay drawing. It was interesting watching them as each person had their own way of creating marks on the paper. It was interesting watching the other artists express their emotions, feelings, and playfulness. We hope the process can be playful and relaxing as this is a central process of our project to engage with other people. Our project would like to provide a platform for people to explore the possibility of clay. Participants can have the opportunity to create drawing and mark making, it is really just up to each individual to decide.  We enjoyed seeing the outcome of the three women artists' clay drawings- fingerprints, drops, lines, dots, all of this seems to create a story. 

今天我們很開心有機會邀請同是在澳洲班達農駐村的藝術家, 才參與我們的陶土繪畫。
我們覺得非常有趣,可以觀看其他藝術工作者如何在紙張上留下創作的痕跡。同時,看著其他藝術家用陶土表達他們的情感, 感覺和嬉鬧也是很有趣。我們希望這個陶土繪畫的創作過程可以是放鬆和充滿樂趣,因為這正是我們與其他人交流的中心思想。我們的計畫,是要提供給觀眾一個空間去探索陶土的可能性。參與陶土繪畫的人可以有機會藉由陶土這個媒材,製造紋路或者是留下痕跡。這個過程, 是由每一個人自己決定想做的創作內容。我們很高興看到三位女性藝術家的陶土繪畫的結果- 指紋,水滴,線條,點點,這一切似乎充滿了故事性。

We hope we can do something like this again in the future that involves participation from the public.

The Bundanon Trust 2017 Residencies
澳洲班達農信託 2017年駐村名單
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