Day 4. Completion of Processing the Clay 第四天 在澳洲班達農信託駐村:完成處理陶土的過程
Wen-Hsi cutting an old Taiwanese mosquito net to use as our DIY mesh to filter the clay to remove debris and most of the sand.
Two colour variations of clay and our mesh all set up and ready to go.
Martin pouring the mixed clay with water through the mesh.
Martin continuing to mix the clay with water by hand to continue pouring it through the mesh. We were also using our hands to help push the clay through the mesh.
Continuing to squeeze the clay through the mesh.
PVA Glue, Picture Varnish, pins and masking tape brought yesterday from the local art shop.
The pva glue will be mixed in with the light coloured clay to contain the remaining sand.The picture varnish will be sprayed on top of the pictures to also help contain the clay and stop it from flaking off the surface of the paper.
The first test of light coloured clay mixed in with the PVA Glue.
The second test of the darker coloured clay, no PVA Glue has been added as this contains no sand.
Saturday 18th November 2017
星期六 2017年11月18日
This morning we finished processing the clay, it has been a long process but every step was important. Originally we hoped to be able to remove all sand from the clay but this has not been possible for the lighter coloured clay. We managed to remove most of it from the lighter coloured clay and from the test we have done it has produced a good enough result. We also mixed in some PVA Glue into this light coloured clay to contain the sand, so it has managed to stick to the paper without flaking off too much.
最初,我們希望可以過濾掉存留在陶土中的沙子,但在進行反覆的過濾過程中,發現這是不可能發生的,尤其是顏色比較淺的陶土。在每一次過濾的過程中減少一些沙子, 經過無數次的過濾,終於有了比較細緻的陶土,可以供給我們來做繪畫創作。
The darker coloured clay is just right as we managed to remove all of the sand, we think this was because there was less in there, to begin with. Therefore we have not added any PVA Glue to this.
If we are going to go through this process again in the future of digging our own clay and sieving it, it would be better to have a finer sieve.
We have also started making some drawings with these two clay colour variations and we will try to upload some images for tomorrow's blog post.
If you have any thoughts or feedback, please feel free to leave a message.
Thank you very much.
The Bundanon Trust 2017 Residencies
澳洲班達農信託 2017年駐村名單
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