Day 11. Applying glue to our large clay drawing. 第11天在澳洲班達農信託駐村:在大尺寸陶土繪畫上塗上膠水

Saturday 25th November 2017.
星期六 2017年11月25日

Appreciate our names listed in the Bundanon Trust's programs.  

Wen-Hsi is happy to read the book: Wombats of Bundanon Twenty Australian Poets,she found out two writers used their poem to respond to the Bundanon Trust. 

Editor :Christopher (Kit) Kelen
Published by Association of Stories in Macao. 2010 
ISBN 978-99965-42-13-8

Happy to be here to make conversations between the natural environment and our artworks.
我們很開心可以來此駐村, 與大自然以及我們的藝術創作進行對話。

Lucky for us this spider was on the other side of our kitchen window, so much detail, motionless.

Wen-Hsi enjoying the open air, overlapping her drawing on top of clay drawings created by our neighbor artists. 
文曦沈醉在戶外空間中進行創作, 她繼續在完成我們藝術家鄰居的陶土繪畫創作。

Wen-Hsi displayed the co-operative clay drawing outdoors.
文曦把和藝術家鄰居合作的陶土繪畫, 放置在外面拍照。 

Martin applying thick clay to the paper surface. He is going to try and build up layers of clay.

One of Martin's inspirations for his thickly applied clay to the paper. 
這是馬丁決定在水彩紙上, 塗上很厚的陶土靈感來源。

A work in progress of Martin's kangaroo. He decided to also add to the kangaroo a peace hand gesture. This is commonly used by people in Taiwan and Asia, in a way it is a trend and part of the popular culture, but he thinks it roots might go back to historical events. 

Wen-Hsi adding pva glue to the surface of the clay. We will be taking these drawings back home so we do not want the clay pealing off the surface. Hopefully adding more glue will prevent this.
文曦在大尺寸陶土繪畫上塗上膠水。因為我們打算把這些繪畫帶回英國,但我們不希望陶土從水彩紙上脫落, 所以我們正在一層層上膠水中。

Martin continues to work on the house. He is adding what looks like a combination of sky and water to the space. He has used watercolour pencils for this. This in some way responds to the very blue sky of Australia and the surreal landscape of Bundanon Trust.

This is where we are at so far with the large clay drawing. We think it still needs a bit more work. 
這是我們的大尺寸的陶土繪畫 (210x150cm)。

Today were have continued our work on the large clay drawing. We think it is nearing completion, it looks like it needs something else, so were are continuing to think about its outcome. The most important thing is to make sure glue has been applied to all of the clay surfaces to protect the picture ready for transport back to the UK. We have also been working on some other smaller artworks.


The Bundanon Trust 2017 Residencies
澳洲班達農信託 2017年駐村名單
You can also find this project on Social Media such as Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, the Hashtag is: 

歡迎在臉書, 推特, IG 追蹤我們的計畫 
